Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Project Nero's Anne Marie Lindemann Films Florida's Solar "SCANDAL"

In honor of Earth Day 2014, Project Nero would like to introduce the brilliant work of Media Production student and future film maker extraordinaire, 
Anne Marie Lindemann.  Her tireless efforts this semester have resulted in some great video footage that has illustrated the struggle environmentalist are having with the Florida legislature in regard to climate change. 


"SCANDAL: Florida, the 'Cloudy State'"

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Wait...... It Gets Worse?!?!

Greenland'­s immense ice sheet is melting as a result of climate change. CreditKadir van Lohuizen for The New York Times

As New York Times writer, Justin Gillis, stressed recently, "The report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations group that periodically summarizes climate science, concluded that ice caps are melting, sea ice in the Arctic is collapsing, water supplies are coming under stress, heat waves and heavy rains are intensifying, coral reefs are dying, and fish and many other creatures are migrating toward the poles or in some cases going extinct."
As of TODAY, South Florida is seeing real sea level rise.  The counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach, have real fear, right now, that they will be flooded out of their homes and businesses, not in 50 years, but within 10 years.  Imagine what the rest of Florida will be like when these huge numbers of people, the majority of Florida's residents, are displaced and become virtual refugees....(this will also happen all over the US as well as the world.)
As many scientists have suggested, we are living in an extinction event, the sixth major extinction event that the Earth is believed to have had; only this time it's slightly different because homo sapiens are simply increasing the momentum.  Whether you're a believer in anthropogenic climate change or not, logic should tell you that the sheer number of humans on the planet, consuming, consuming, consuming, cannot be upheld forever.  Whether you believe it is our right as humans to pillage the planet or not, I think we can all agree that there is most definitely a carrying capacity for our way of life, especially in the United States.  The energies that are being viewed as the cheapest and easiest to use took BILLIONS of years to form...why is it so hard to understand that this cannot last?
A preference to fossil fuels, a disbelief in anthropogenic climate change, a dislike for all things "liberal", whatever the reason, there simply has to be a better plan; a good solid plan A, because there cannot be a Plan B.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Governor Rick Scott Gives Us Nightmares

Regardless of why climate change is happening, it's happening.  South Florida is already having nightmares of sea level rise, and the political leaders in these communities are already taking it upon themselves to act.   All we need now is a governor who is the slightest bit concerned for the people of the state that elected him.

Photo: 2012 Southeast Florida Regional Compact Climate Change

Governor Scott's list of priorities is topped by profit as demonstrated in his approval of a bill that will allow advertising on state trails and green ways, as well as his attachment to the lawsuit against the Chesapeake Bay  clean up in Maryland that will highly benefit the agricultural and developmental industries....then....somewhere waaaaaaaay down at the bottom, comes being the governor of the U.S.'s most vulnerable state when it comes to climate change and sea level rise.

He ran on the slogan "Let's Get To Work", but he and his team have been deceptive about their job creation progress as well as the level of transparency that Scott is willing to give; but in a state that has counties where, according to Sun Sentinel Staff Writer, Ken Kaye, 8-10 inches of steady rainfall causes flood warnings to be issued, the Governor has to start concerning himself with the truth about